Saturday 18 January 2014

Mise En Scene :Metropolis

Metropolis, Fritz Lang, 1926: opening scene

How does Fritz lang use the devises of mise en scene to develop the characters, themes and narrative at the beginning of metropolis?

Location 1

  • setting
At the beginning of the movie, there are some gear wheel and machine are shown at the opening scene. They were operated by the workers in the factory.Besides, a clock was shown also. The clock's short hand and long hand move quickly, it signifies that the worker works hard in long hours.

Moreover, the scene above shows the factories are spreading out some smoke, and they do signify that the workers are working busily.And the industry works prosperously.

  • Workers

Indeed, there are two parts divided in the first location, which is underground and overground.

The workers world is underground and they move slowly and queuing up tidily with their head down. It shows that they are obeying and work with decipline. besides, they walk as slow as a mummy and without any facial expression shows that they are unhappy.

the other world are some people which live in overground.They don't need to work and they live in a world without any  stress.They are running and play with their smile.

  • lighting

The movie use different type of lighting colour to establish mood of story, setting, character. The movie use the warm light to establish the life of the people are living in the overground. They are symbolic energetic, cheerful and optimistic. Oppositely, the workers who live in underground are using the cold light which symbolic their glommy life.

Location 2

  • setting

The main character, Freder is living inside the Eternal Garden.One day,he is attracted by a woman. He is told that the woman is the daughter of a worker. She is leading a group of children.They see each other in the Eternal garden with a fountain.

  • The main protagonists

The main protagonist are the woman and Freder. They are put to the middle of the scene, since they are important.

The man are playing happily in the garden and the daughter of the workers come out from two different location. The man is in a relaxing garden and the woman are from a disaster factory,which cause a big contrast.The man represent the rich and the woman represent the poor.

  • Development

The man follow the woman and first seeing the life of the workers. The factories became a monster, which signify how tough the workers are. They slave for their work and some of them even died. He is really shocked to see a total different world from himself.

  • New setting
The scene back to the prosperous city, which cause a big contrast again.The scene has high buildings, airplane, car etc. It signifies that the prosperous city is just a fake scene ,which means the hidden truth are the sweatshop.

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